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Some recent Paintings for
our next craft festival.
If you wish to purchase a specific painting, please email us with any questions about the specific one(s).
We offer custom orders, so please email with questions.
We will do our best to work with you.
We will most likely have more paintings than
shown as we often paintmore a few days out and
are not always able to get them posted in time.
If you are interested in checking the price of a specific painting, please, feel free to send us an email and we will confirm the price for you.
The majority of our paintings are on 8x10 or 11x14 canvases, but sizes do vary. I do my best to state size in the note section of each picture.
Some may be painted on wood or non-canvas materials.
Thickness concerning canvas:
Nothing stated/normal:
average is .5"
Block: 2"
Flat: Similar to a clipboard
Paintings STARTING Prices:
3 x 3 $15
5 x 7 $15
6 x 6 $25
8 x 10 $15
7 x 14 $30
9 x 12 $30
10 x 10 $35
11 x 14 $35
12 x 12 $40
FL Shaped boards $45
Long Wooden Slats $50
More time consuming paintings will be more expensive,
but typically no more than $5 to $10 dollars
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